Tuesday, 13 November 2012


P. 36    "He woke whimpering in the night" this quote shows the effect of the night upon the characters, that they were vulnerable and their emotions started to show through, the effect of being vulnerable in the dark made them scared.
P. 87    "He woke in the night" not only does this show that it is night but also that the night means nothing to the characters, that they would wake in the night as they would in the morning, that time of day ment nothing to them.
P. 93    "In the evening they tramped across a field" again showing that even though it is evening they continue as though it was not as the time of day means nothing to them.
             "tomorrow they would find something" stating hope for the next day, this quote was unusal because it is the only moment when eitherof the characters actually experiences hope for anything.
P. 230  "an hour later" the novel does not tell you what the time is atall, so this quote only produces confusion into when the time was before and what the time is now, where in the day where they? and was it morning or afternoon or evening?
P. 300  "He slept close to his father that night and held him but when he woke in the morning his father
             was cold and stiff." shows that the boy only woke up in the nights as he was afraid of something happening to his father, as he did not wake up through the night, this shows that he believes that his father is in a better place giving the idea that the boy has some knowledge of religeon.
P. 301  "He stayed three days" shows that the boy had nowhere to go, that the last person who meent anything to him was now dead and that the only people out there cold not be trusted.