Monday, 12 November 2012

Task 2 - episodes (part 5)

- getting to the shore (pp. 227 - 230)
This episode shows how uneventful the lifes of the man and boy where. The writer gains this responce as he keeps events to a mininum and instead concentrates on getting the two characters to the destination that they have been trying to get to for the entirety of the novel.
The ocean is the final destination of the man, all he wants throughout the novel is to get there and now tha he has, there is no real need for him to keep going. He has acheived his goal, he could die pretty soon after this event, leaving the boy with the gun. there is no real change of mood or any tension in this episode everything just seems grim and dark,  "the world grew darker daily", everything about the father seems to be getting dimer and closer to the end of his journey. The consant dark quotes from the father give the impression that he is getting more tired than usual and losing hope of survival while the boy has started learning from the man and actally plots the rest of their journey, keeping track of the time and where they were  "He had the names of towns and rivers by heart and he measured their progress daily." the language s the same as therest of the novel except darker imagery is used, "the world grew darker daily." as if everything is about o come to an end. All the language that the father uses if foregrounding his death and the hoplessnes of his and the boys continuation. This is a key episode as it shows the ending of the fathers enforced march and leaves the two characters not knowing where to go next.

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